Planned Giving
“The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”
– William James
Your support of the work of City Care will create a legacy of generosity, hope, and belief in our shared mission to advocate for those on the margins in our society. By committing to a planned gift, you can ensure the work of City Care extends to impact generations of men, women, and children to come.
Any Amount
No planned gift is too small. We believe we all have something to give, and we invite you to consider a planned gift of any amount.
Planned giving honors your story with many options for giving, including a life insurance policy, real estate, stocks, business holdings, a personal account and other assets.
Planned giving is flexible to meet the needs of your family, affording you the opportunity to give at whatever level you want, while coinciding with the plans you have made to support your loved ones.
Anyone considering a planned gift should consult with their personal team of tax and/or legal advisors to fully understand the implications of their gift on their personal financial situation.